The surveys are available at:1. Microsoft Information Protection: Data Loss Prevention: will be available for the next 2 weeks till November 2nd, 2021.
OneDrive and SharePoint Compliance Guide
Microsoft publish a new Compliance Guide for OneDrive for Business an SharePoint. Please see more:
SharePoint Online and OneDrive service based auto-labeling enhancements GA!
Maximum of 100 auto-labeling policies per tenant instead of 10. Support for all OneDrive and SharePoint sites. Simulation improvements: Running the auto-labeling policy in simulation mode completes within 12 hours instead of up to 48 hours. Better performance by providing up to 100 randomly sampled matched files for review for each site (OneDrive or SharePoint) […]
Microsoft continues to push back against surveillance laws in the U.S. – Amicus Brief
Microsoft is also taking legal action against surveillance laws. Thus, proceedings against Secret Order became known in the near future and I reported about it. Now there is another case that Microsoft is using to get clarification from the U.S. Supreme Court and to support the ACLU. Download: Microsoft-amicus_5.27.pdf
M365 Compliance One-Stop-Shop (OSS) new on Github
With the new site on Github, the Team will be more in contact with the customers: One Stop Shop – Compliance Customer Experience Engineering (CxE) ( You can write and comment on Github GitHub – microsoft/ComplianceCxE: Customer Experience Engineering (CxE) is a World Wide team, our charter is helping customers deploy M365 security and compliance […]
New Geoplotics of Data – Interview with Microsoft Julie Brill
Customer Key for Microsoft Teams is now generally available!
Announced at the last Ignite and now a bit later in Public Preview, the feature has already been used by some companies to bring in their own key (BYOK) and use it for Microsoft Teams. Now this feature is generally available: Customer Key for Microsoft Teams (Service Encryption) In addition to volume-level encryption (AtRest / […]
New Microsoft Security Blog
Since some days the Microsoft Security and Compliance Team startet a new Blog at the TechCommunity. Please see here: Microsoft Compliance Manager One Stop Shop Resource Page – Microsoft Tech Community
New Data-at-rest encryption for Microsoft 365
A Data-at-rest encryption isn´t new in Microsoft 365. We all know that data will be stored at Rest with Bitlocker and there are options to use your own key for SharePoint Online and Exchange Online earlier via the support and today also via Azure Key Vault. New is the Customer Key solution for Microsoft Teams! […]
Microsoft Teams gets end-to-end encryption
WebEx has end-to-end encryption, Zoom got it too after a lot of pressure, and now Microsoft Teams is getting it too. But what for and why? End-to-end encryption (E2EE) End-to-end encryption means that all transmitted data is encrypted throughout the entire transmission path. Only the communication partner can decrypt the message. This ensures secure communication […]