Global Security and Compliance Conference 2022 – Registration startet

We are very happy to announce some weeks before the new conference dates: 14 and 15 June 2022 at the Microsoft Office Cologne. In this step we are happy to announce the first speaker and the Agenda (Sessions are following in the next days). Registration: (online or inperson at Microsoft Office Cologne) Agenda: […]

Google + EU-US Data Transfer Update

DS Netherland – against the use of Google Analytics DS Austria – against the use of Google Analytics Both state data protection authorities criticize the transfer of data to the USA and confirm that the standard contractual clauses are not sufficient to safeguard this. The use of Google Analytics is thus prohibited in […]

CISA – new Cybersecurity Incident & Vulnerability Response Playbooks

The CISA publish in these days the new Cybersecurity Incident and Vulnerability Repsonse Playbooks. These 43 pages document has 4 huge topics and was released November 2021. It can help the organization to create defent strategies and Playbooks. Download

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