SCC of Excellence

Notice: This site is in Draft!

Security and Compliance Center of Excellence

The SCC of Excellence is the core part of Security and Compliance in your company.

Target of a SCC of Excellence

  1. Evangelizing a data-driven culture.
  2. Promoting the adoption of Security and Compliance tools and culture
  3. Nurturing, mentoring, guiding, and educating internal users to increase their skills and level of self-reliance.
  4. Coordinating efforts and disseminating knowledge across organizational boundaries.
  5. Creating consistency and transparency for the user community, which reduces friction and pain points related to finding relevant data and analytics content.
  6. reducing the risks.
  7. Reducing technical debt by helping make good decisions that increase consistency and result in fewer inefficiencies.

Structure of SCC of Excellence

  • Executive Board
    • Data Privacy
    • Working Council
    • SCC of Exellence
      • Lead
        • Steering Board
          • Security
            • SOC
            • Support
            • Adoption
            • Implementation
            • Licensing
          • Compliance
            • Monitoring tools and Regulations
            • Support
            • Adoption
            • Implementation
            • Licensing
          • Special Team
            • Fast Reaction Team
            • Innovation Team
          • Data privacy
            • Team / departments

Head of SCC of Excellence

The lead of the SCC of Excellence must be a person organized directly under the Executive Board.

Baseline Konfiguration

Microsoft Security and Compliance Toolkit

Azure AD Security

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