
The Compliance topic is one of the important ones in these days. It starts with the selection of the cloud provider and producer of the software solution and need a regular process to control the Compliance.

What is Compliance? More than GDPR

If we have to find a definition for the word “Compliance” it´s not easy to find one.

In general it´s the Compliance of Rules. Companies have to follow and have to be comply with rules, judements, their own Code of Conduct and regulations. All of this includs the comply with data privacy (like GDPR), Cybersecurity rules, Retention and more.

So it´s a very huge topic and you see one of the most important ones. If we have a deeper look into the IT world, the topic Compliance is the important ones when you choose a new tool or implement one.

Why we need Compliance ?

The next question is why we need Compliance. It´s very often a topic, which only costs money and company owners don´t see the need to implement a higher level of Compliance in their Company. They invest the money in new Machines, which starts to earn money and bring back the invest after a time period. The topic Compliance don´t earn money or better earns only some money, when the company wins a project because of the high level of Compliance or the knowleadge of the company of Compliance.

Analytics tools for Microsoft 365

  1. Compliance Score
  2. Compliance Analytics (PowerShell) Tool (Open Source)
  3. Microsoft Compliance Analyzer (MCCA) [ Blogpost Oct 2020]
  4. Microsoft Graph (custom tool)
  5. Where are my data? (Script link)

Microsoft Compliance Ressource

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