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Microsoft Cloud App Security

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Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS) is a Cloud Access security broker (CASB). It operates as an intermediary between a cloud user and the cloud provider, to provide rich visibility to your cloud services, control over data travel, and sophisticated analytics to identify and combat cyberthreats across all your cloud services.

MCAS is built on a framework that provides the following capability:

  • Discover and control the use of Shadow IT: Identify the cloud apps, IaaS, and PaaS services used by your organization. Investigate usage patterns, assess the risk levels and business readiness of more than 16,000 SaaS apps against more than 80 risks.
  • Protect your sensitive information anywhere in the cloud: Understand, classify, and protect the exposure of sensitive information at rest. Leverage out-of-the-box policies and automated processes to apply controls in real time across all your cloud apps.
  • Protect against cyberthreats and anomalies: Detect unusual behavior across cloud apps to identify ransomware, compromised users or rogue applications, analyze high-risk usage, and remediate automatically to limit the risk to your organization.
  • Assess the compliance of your cloud apps: Assess if your cloud apps meet relevant compliance requirements, including regulatory compliance and industry standards. Prevent data leaks to non-compliant apps and limit access to regulated data.

For more information, read Microsoft Cloud App Security overview.


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