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US Department of Defense – Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) Cloud Strategy

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In April 2021 the US Department of Defence publish a 10 sites Cloud Strategy paper.

“The Department of Defense (DoD) Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) Cloud Strategy establishes the vision and goals for enabling a dominant all-domain advantage through cloud innovation at the tactical edge. It identifies areas requiring modernization to realize the potential of cloud computing in direct support of the warfighter, specifically: security, redundancy, reliability, and availability. It focuses on extending Continental United States (CONUS) cloud computing to the globally deployed elements of the Department to include the African, European, Indo-Pacific, Middle Eastern, and South American Theaters to the tactical edge. The outcomes of the strategy align with and further the priorities of the National Defense Strategy and DoD Digital Modernization Strategy”


DoD-OCONUSCloudStrategy.pdf (defense.gov)


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