SharePoint Online and OneDrive service based auto-labeling enhancements GA!

  • Maximum of 100 auto-labeling policies per tenant instead of 10.
  • Support for all OneDrive and SharePoint sites.
  • Simulation improvements:
    • Running the auto-labeling policy in simulation mode completes within 12 hours instead of up to 48 hours.
    • Better performance by providing up to 100 randomly sampled matched files for review for each site (OneDrive or SharePoint) instead of every matched item for review.
    • When simulation is complete, an email notification is sent to the user configured to receive activity alerts.
  • Improvements to help you review matched items:
    • Additional metadata information for the sampled matched items.
    • Ability to export information about the matched items, such as the SharePoint site name and file owner. You can use this information to pivot and analyze the matched files, and delegate to file owners for review if needed.

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